Note: articles of more interest to Web Managers and site editors have yellow headings.

Seeking a SiteWorks Site?
Change of personnel or their details?

You can use this form to update us with changes or to add additional names. The form can be used by u3as, Networks and Regions.

We will only contact you about u3a SiteWorks matters.

The Project

u3a SiteWorks is a volunteer-led project providing WordPress websites to u3as, replacing the existing Site Builder platform.

Read the latest project updates here

Site Web Manager or editor?

User Guide

Operational and Enhancement news

Enhancements status

Operational Procedures (PDF) are linked on the Web Manager menu above.

Site authoring Blog

These articles are cover various topics relating to SiteWorks and WordPress, the SiteWorks project, and the web in general. They include include personal preferences and opinions so treat them as a source of ideas.

Note that some, prefixed Advanced, are generally more suitable for experienced Web Managers and site authors.

  • Groups etc. information form disappears

    Groups etc. information form disappears

    Group, Event etc. information form disappears When creating or editing any of the u3a posts (Groups, Events, Venues, Contacts, Notices) there is an information form at the bottom to structure…

  • Templates, Headers and Footers

    Templates, Headers and Footers

    Templates, Headers and Footers Templates in WordPress provide a layout for pages and posts. Templates are part of the WordPress theme and referring to generic WordPress documentation requires some interpretation.…

  • Website styles

    Website styles

    There is a different website design styles out there, much of which stems from sites having various purposes. These are described and discussed.

  • Authoring tips (advanced)

    Authoring tips (advanced)

    Aimed at experienced Web Managers – suggested SiteWorks authoring best practice and tips. Includes points on u3a plugins and ways of working.

  • Query Loop and u3a plugins (advanced)

    Query Loop and u3a plugins (advanced)

    Advanced. The ‘Query Loop’ garners more questions than any other editing topic. When to use u3a features and when a Query Loop may be appropriate?

  • Query Loop additional attributes (advanced)

    Query Loop additional attributes (advanced)

    Advanced. Accessing through a Query Loop additional attributes of u3a features – groups, events, venues, contacts and notices.

  • Move/Copy a SiteWorks site (unsupported)

    Move/Copy a SiteWorks site (unsupported)

    Advanced. Moving a SiteWorks WordPress site to another host (including Local WP) is not supported by the team. Nevertheless, these notes will assist anyone with one approach.

Project News

  • Project Progress 18th July 2024

    Progress as of 18th July This chart shows the status by week from 24th January of the sites that have signed Terms and Conditions (T&Cs). We are approaching 250 live…

  • News and Progress 9th July 2024

    Help Desk We have had a contact form in place since the start of production roll-out. This captured key information and generated an email to an Outlook mailbox. This has…

  • Project Progress 18th June 2024

    This chart shows the status by week from 24th January of the 569 sites that have signed Terms and Conditions (T&Cs). 126 sites are still to sign T&Cs, but not…

  • Project Progress 29th May 2024

    Chart showing weekly progress of SiteWorks sites from signing T&Cs to going live.

  • News 18th May 2024

    Update Bulletin emailed to registered contacts The team sent out this news bulletin in May 2024 SiteWorks update

  • News 10th May 2024

    SiteWorks on The Trust has published a news item on 100 SiteWorks sites. Their u3a sources blog has shared experience of two early u3as Berwick-Upon-Tweed and White Cliff…

  • News 28th April 2024

    One hundred live sites We have reached 100 (28th April) live sites and equally positive is the rate is now well over one a day. A reminder that there is…
