Web Manager Resources

Web Managers will be responsible for the layout and content of a u3a’s website. They may be part of a team that includes Group coordinators/conveners. The vast majority will have little or no experience of WordPress. The SiteWorks Team is developing training materials and a short induction course that will include the steps involved in migrating from SiteBuilder.

The User Guide documents the u3a features of SiteWorks as well as the generic WordPress editing essential to create and maintain most u3a sites. There is a vast amount of general WordPress tutorials, guides and ‘how to’ tips available on the Internet – links to a selection of resources are listed below.

WordPress Introduction and Tutorials

Let's Learn WordPress, free course

An Introduction to SiteWorks WordPress video can be found on the Web Managers drop-down menu above.

Here are some general WordPress resources (external links) to help with general WordPress features:

Easy WP Guide – A good up to date source. The aim is “to create a simple WordPress manual that will help you to get an understanding of how you use the various features within the WordPress Dashboard to keep your site or blog updated”.

Learn WordPress – The official WordPress repository for tutorials. Not recommended as a starting point as it’s not organised in a way that introduces topics in a logical order for beginners. But it does contain useful material if you are looking for a guide to a specific task.

W3Schools WordPress Tutorials – Written for a more technical audience that the Easy WP Guide.

WP Beginner – Beginner’s Guide to WordPress – The WP Beginner website is a good resource, though this guide contains some material on arranging hosting and installing WordPress that is not really relevant and can be skipped.

WordPress Gutenberg – The Ultimate Guide – a comprehensive video guide to the ‘Gutenberg’ page editor which is used for creating page content in WordPress.

Gutenberg WordPress Tutorial – another video introduction to the ‘Gutenberg’ page editor. You may want to skip the second half of the video (from about 16 minutes in) which covers add-ons to the standard WordPress features.

WordPress tutorials from Inmotion hosting – over 800 tutorials many written for beginners. A good section on using the WordPress Gutenberg editor.