Join the Team

As the project transitions to rolling out SiteWorks sites we need to boost our Implementation Team. There is one roles in particular where we need more help – Invitation & Engagement (I&E).

Note that these roles require ‘Trust Volunteer status’ through attending a short Zoom session run by the Trust that we arrange.
The full role descriptions are below.

For more information or to express an interest in volunteering in one of the roles, please contact the relevant team.

Invite and Engage Team –

Siteworks Migration –

General enquires please email the u3a SiteWorks team:

Invite & Engagement (I&E)

I&E team members contact site Web Managers (WMs) and guide them through the process to get their site live. They will book WMs on an Introduction Zoom session. An I&E team member will attend the session to support the presenter and they have key responsibilities to record and track WMs through the process. Once WMs declare themselves trained a Migration team member (see below) will work with WMs on WordPress and site creation matters.

View/download full details of the role here


Migration team members require a degree of WordPress and SiteWorks plugin knowledge as they advise and assist Web Managers (WMs) on making their site live. They request services from our Sysadmin team (Site Builder extracts, live site creation, Site Builder re-directs).

View/download full details of the role here