Update September 2024

Over the months the SiteWorks community has built up much more experience in replicating a SiteWorks site and this article has been updated to reflect this. The previous version of this post outlined the use of the All-in-one WP Migration plugin is available here.

We now have the most experience with the WPVivid plugin and the team have compiled a comprehensive guide that focuses on creating an off-line backup of your site and loading it onto Local WP.

It continues to be the case that a SiteWorks site on Local WP cannot be moved to a production SiteWorks site. We hope to be able to assist with moving SiteWorks sites hosted elsewhere when the current Site Builder phase is behind us in 2025.

Finally, a reminder not to store backups on your SiteWorks production host. Always download them and delete if necessary.

Move/Copy a SiteWorks site (advanced, unsupported)

Your SiteWorks hosted site is backed up daily and a request to restore your site can be made through our Help Desk. Note that these daily backups are only guaranteed to be kept for a week.

Two reasons for taking a copy of your site are:

  • To train colleagues or try out new features, plugins and designs using Local WP
  • To have older backups available that can be referred to. Perhaps to lookup deleted past Events or Groups that have closed.
Note – if you migrate from your SiteWorks site to an environment other than Local WP then you must remove or change the Administrator email address (Dashboard -> Settings -> General Settings  …  Administration Email Address). Failure to do so could send emails to SiteWorks support.
Also remove the Main WP Child plugin.

Copy from SiteWorks to a new host

This PDF guide has step-by-step instructions on how to backup any SiteWorks site and import backups onto Local WP using the VPVivid plugin.

Note that the SiteWorks team do not support moving or copying a SiteWorks site to a new location, but we will try and help on a best endeavours basis. The forum (you need to register) will most likely yield constructive answers. Feedback and comments on the guide that will help others are welcome.