Category: News

  • Project Progress 3rd September 2024

    Progress as of 3rd September We now have 321 sites live with with nearly 500 either live or in site preparation (Migration). If you have been studying the Workbook for more than a month and have not been offered a ‘buddy’ to help and advise then do contact us. Remember, much of the Workbook covers… Read more

  • Project Progress 21st August

    Progress as of 7th August We are nearly at 300 live sites progress continues to be steady. Concerns continue to mount with nearly 50 Site Builder sites that have not signed Terms & Conditions. Some 200 sites are in the training phase that have yet to enter the migration phase where Web Managers start to… Read more

  • Project Progress 7th August 2024

    Progress as of 7th August We now have 253 sites live with good progress having been made in the past 4 weeks despite being Summer (of sorts). Nevertheless, there are barely 4 months left in the working year. The team make no apologies for repeating our plea – please don’t leave migration until the last… Read more

  • Project Progress 31st July 2024

    Progress as of 31th July The latest progress chart: We have now passed the 250 mark – read more on the Trust’s latest news. The was a surge of sites in the third week of July as a reconciliation exercise discovered live sites the team hadn’t been informed about. Looking forward the signs that, not… Read more

  • Project Progress 18th July 2024

    Progress as of 18th July This chart shows the status by week from 24th January of the sites that have signed Terms and Conditions (T&Cs). We are approaching 250 live sites. Good news, but we are still struggling to achieve 2 live sites a day. The team is starting to be concerned that we will… Read more

  • News and Progress 9th July 2024

    Help Desk We have had a contact form in place since the start of production roll-out. This captured key information and generated an email to an Outlook mailbox. This has served us reasonably well and hopefully we have not overlooked or neglected to follow up on too many requests. The Help Desk is now using… Read more

  • Project Progress 18th June 2024

    This chart shows the status by week from 24th January of the 569 sites that have signed Terms and Conditions (T&Cs). 126 sites are still to sign T&Cs, but not all of these will adopt SiteWorks for various reasons. The chart shows after a quiet May the Web Managers booked onto a Zoom introduction session… Read more

  • Project Progress 29th May 2024

    Project Progress 29th May 2024

    Chart showing weekly progress of SiteWorks sites from signing T&Cs to going live. Read more