An overview of recent enhancements and update releases can be found on the Operational Updates and Enhancements page. This page provides a more formal record of the changes if required by a website administrator.

The Change Board, by considering user and team feedback will be specifying additional features to enhance both the user and visitor experience. The information listed below gives the proposed and recently implemented updates and enhancements. In addition, the release note is provided for reference.

Enhancements and Updates approved by the Change Board for future implementation
SummaryChange Board DateStatus
E748Print Option08/12/23In initial development, to be considered alongside calendar/timetable provision (#1030)
E942Adding a “contact button” to replicate Site Builder Bluebird or envelope24/11/23To be allocated
E995Tick box on contact form to identify members08/11/23In development
E1020Venue display to differentiate between an Event and a Group19/01/24In development
(from #999)
E1021Modification to WordPress revision management15/03/24In development
E1043Listing of past & future events in the venue display 05/07/24In development
E1050Padding/Margins on mobile display05/07/24In development
B1053An issue with filtering u3a events, following the selection of an option on the dashboard05/07/24In development.
E1054Featured image of an event being made a link05/07/24In development
E1055Provision of a venue excerpt05/07/24In development.
E1058Group sort by District05/07/24In development
E1059Adding a series of events05/07/24In development
B1062An issue with filtering and displaying groups on the Home Page19/07/24In development
E1063Ability to enable/disable auto-scrolling to group list sort buttons.19/07/24In development
E – an enhancement to the system, when developed will be deployed following a WordPress update
B: A bug fix, depending on the urgency will be released asap, or when a significant number have been resolved.
Enhancements and Updates Implemented
OpenProject 0 to 999
OpenProject RefSummaryChange Board DateStatus
491To resolve issues with Oversight REST API. It also allows group and event metadata to be available for query loops.19/01/24Implemented: Core 1.0.6
11 March 2024
914Resolving an issue in which galleries don’t always work in Query Loop24/11/23Implemented: Configuration 1.0.1
12 December 2023
991Improve display of group contacts when ’hide
email addresses’ is off.
Core 1.1.0
2 May 2024
994Add editable attributes to the Event List and Group List Widgets.Implemented:
Core 1.1.0
2 May 2024
952Reverting the group select buttons to a single line01/12/23Implemented: Core 1.0.6
11 March 2024
983Remove ‘2nd’ from 2nd Convenor (or equivalent) in Group Page information.24/11/23Implemented: Core 1.0.1
987Emails do not indicate the identity/group they were sent to, which is an issue if a contact leads to more than one group.24/11/23Implemented: Contact Form 1.0.1
996Start & end time in group listing08/12/23Implemented: Core 1.0.6
11 March 2024
OpenProject 1000 – 1050
OpenProject RefSummaryChange Board DateStatus
1000The issue with the group display widget, when used on an individual group page resolved.19/01/24Implemented: Core 1.0.6
11 March 2024
1002The choice between horizontal and vertical alphabetic group listsImplemented:
Core 1.1.0
2 May 2024
1003Minor text improvements in the core plugin19/01/24Implemented: Core 1.0.6
11 March 2024
1004Add support for Meta-Field block to display all group and event metadata19/01/24Implemented: Core 1.0.6
11 March 2024
1010Add facility for cautionary notice to the Add New Plugin 02/02/24Implemented:
Configuration 1.1.0
2 May 2024
1023In the Groups listing, the venue is shown.15/03/24Implemented:
Core 1.1.0
2 May 2024
1024Support multiple u3a group categories in
REST API endpoint.
Core 1.1.0
2 May 2024
1025An author is not able to delete a group where they have been assigned as the author.Implemented:
Configuration 1.1.0
2 May 2024
1026Change spam protection mechanism in contact
form, plus an optional log of messages sent using the contact form.
Contact Form 1.1.0
2 May 2024
1027Resolves issue in core plugin related to the sort categories button text.16/03/24Implemented: Core 1.0.8
21 March 2024
1032Change short format group status from ’Suspended’ to ’Dormant’.Implemented:
Core 1.1.0
2 May 2024
1033Resolves CSV issue in the Days field.Implemented:
Import Export 1.60
2 May 2024
Development TeamResolves an issue regarding the heading of the event listing. The widget header can be suppressed and a new header can be entered manually.Implemented:
Core 1.1.1
19 May 2024
Development TeamResolving an issue on the Input-Output plugin, following the additions in the 1.1.0 update.Implemented
Input_Output 1.5.2
26 May 2024
1042, 1046, 1048Resolved issues relating to the display of informationImplemented
Core 1.1.2
19 June 2024
1047, 1049Measures implemented to prevent administrators from deleting the system admin, and edititor deleting groups.Implemented
Configuration 1.1.1
19 June 2024
If no Change Board date is shown, the bug was identified by the development team, who then deployed a fix. The changes are detailed in the associated release note and reported to the Change Board.
Open Project 1050-
OpenProject RefSummaryChange Board DateStatus
1061Change of default time zone from UTC to London19/07/24Implemented by running script – will be repeated in 2-3 months.
16 July 2024
If no Change Board date is shown, the bug was identified by the development team, who then deployed a fix. The changes are detailed in the associated release note and reported to the Change Board.
Release Notes

The release notes, by their nature, are technical documents and may not be of interest to all Web Managers. Those issued since the site was updated to 1.1.0 are provided for reference.

Updated 24 July 2024