FAQ Category: WordPress and SiteWorks

  • d What are the WordPress features for SiteWorks?

    SiteWorks is WordPress with a number of u3a specific features bundled in. This includes, as much as possible, equivalent SiteBuilder functions. SiteWorks comes with a WordPress “theme” that defines a preferred colour palette and fonts as set out in the Trust’s Brand Guidelines. There are also some settings for page content spacing. u3a specific functionality… Read more

  • e What does WordPress offer over Site Builder?

    Page layouts can be much richer than Site Builder with features such as image galleries and multi-column layouts. WordPress also automatically renders pages in a readable format on smart phones and smaller tablets. The training and documentation team are developing a workbook that will include discussing page layouts with screenshot examples taken from u3a sites. Read more

  • c Can I customise SiteWorks, for example by adding plugins?

    The current focus is on replacing SiteBuilder functionality implemented through the u3a theme, u3a plugins and selected third party plugins that will be supplied on installation and supported by the SiteWorks team. u3as can install other plugins at their own risk but some may conflict with SiteWorks plugins. u3as raising support issues may be asked… Read more

  • b Can I try out SiteWorks?

    Yes – the latest pre-release version of SiteWorks is available to try out. Information on how to download and install it are on this site under Web Manager > Install Local WP. For more support visit the u3a WordPress forum (you may need to register) in section ‘Discussions about SiteWorks’. This link should work if… Read more

  • a Why is SiteWorks based on WordPress?

    WordPress software is a very popular choice for website creators, it is estimated to be used by at least 40% of website designers worldwide. WordPress is straightforward, flexible and scalable, with the potential to adopt additional ‘plugins’ for added functionality going forward. It is an open-source set of programs so does not involve dealing with… Read more