All u3as are equally welcome to adopt SiteWorks and take up the Website hosting offering.

The first step is to register with us – there is a link to the form to do this on the home page (menu Start here). On the form select the  ‘First registration for my u3a’ option for the final question 7. You will be contacted inviting your Committee to sign the Trust’s SiteWorks Terms and Conditions.

We have a team of volunteer SiteWorks Supporters and one of them will be allocated to advise and organise the practicalities. We offer a ‘Starter site’, which is essentially an empty site with an example of a Group, an Event, Contacts etc. If you have an exiting website there is no automated migration but much of the content can be copied and pasted.

If your existing site uses the SiteWorks theme and plugins then we are looking to develop a documented migration process.

If you are currently using Beacon then some information could be exported from Beacon and imported into your SiteWorks site e.g. Group and Group Leader data. If you are using a different management system or have information on spreadsheets, you may be able to import that after some spreadsheet manipulation.

Additional information that you might find useful can be found by using the menu Web Manager > Install Local WP and Demo site.