To start with essentially an empty website is the option we call a ‘Starter Site’ and is aimed at u3as that don’t have Site Builder sites. The Starter Site will have the u3a theme and plugins but no content beyond a few fictitious example pages. There will also be a facility to upload group, event, venue and contacts data from a spreadsheet (CSV file).

It will usually be easier to begin with a migrated site and edit/delete/add pages and menus as required. If that doesn’t work out then the pages can be removed in minutes by performing a WordPress Bulk Action to “Bin” the pages and media.

As a result of work done by the development team and our hosting company we now know that a migrated site only requires a short additional step to populate a ‘Starter Site’ with Site Builder content. Nevertheless, some Site Builder u3as with WordPress experience will consider starting from scratch with a Starter Site rather than having their content migrated. This may be because their Site Builder site has not been maintained for some time or a radical new design is to be authored. u3as taking this route may find the u3a Import/Export plugin a quick way to populate events, groups, venues and contacts from spreadsheet data.