Login and Dashboard

Introduction #

The WordPress Dashboard is the control panel and main user interface for the WordPress installation and has two main functions:

  • Access the tasks, including editing pages and posts, adding or deleting users, or modifying menus, required to maintain your site.
  • To provide system information, for example, Site Health, Activity and Analytics.

This guide discusses the login process and introduces the Dashboard.

Logging into the Dashboard #

The login page is reached by a URL in the form: https://u3aname.u3asite.uk/wp-admin where u3aname will be the local u3aname as assigned in collaboration with the SiteWorks team.

The web manager or administrator for a u3a will provide a new user with a login username and temporary password. As discussed here, the temporary password must be changed during the initial login. The login screen is:

The Dashboard #

After logging in, the main SiteWorks Dashboard screen will be displayed. If you are an Administrator, the Dashboard appears as follows:

The screen contains three areas:

  • A – The WordPress administrative toolbar, contains the website name, a New option to quickly add material to your site, including pages, events, notices, Dashboard configuration, assess WordPress help, and logout.
  • B – The main Dashboard options menu, B, allows you to undertake all tasks required to manage the site, as shown below.
  • C – The main information display.

Information widgets #

The information widgets include the following, not all may be visible due to a user’s role and/or the configuration set by the site administrator.:

  • Site Health: provides the status of your plugins and the site.
  • At a Glance: Details and statistics relating to the site.
  • Activity: Number of posts and comments if used.
  • Analytics: Give an insight into the site views and visitors over the last 30 days.
  • u3a Specific information: provides information relating to SiteWorks, with a direct link to the User Guides

Access Rights #

With WordPress, users are assigned Roles, of which there are five available,

  • Administrator: Full access right to all content and configuration tools.
  • Editor: Full access rights to all content tools.
  • Author: Restricted access to content tools.
  • Contributor: This can be set, but no right can be granted within SiteWorks.
  • Subscriber: This can be set, but no right can be granted within SiteWorks.

The Dashboard menu options available to users are summarised below, as these are dependent on the role given to a user, not all options are available to every user, this is discussed further in the User Management guide and the guides associated with specific activities (e.g. editing events or pages).

Menu OptionFunctionAdministratorEditorAuthor
DashboardReturn to the Home Dashboard view
PostsOptions relating to post(s)
MediaAccess to the Media Library
PagesOptions relating to page(s)
u3a GroupsOptions relating to group(s)
u3a EventsOptions relating to event(s)
u3a VenuesOptions relating to venue(s)
u3a ContactsOptions relating to contact(s)
u3a NoticesOptions relating to notice(s)
ProfileEdit personal profile1
u3a SettingsConfigure the u3a setting, add a dashboard notice and enter maintenance mode
u3a Import Exportu3a import export toll for starter sites
AppearanceEdit themes (not required by a u3a) or access the Site Editor.
PluginAcess to all the third-party and WordPress Plugins installed.
UsersOptions to create, edit or delete a user(s)1
ToolsWordPress tools. These are not used in the SiteWorks environment.
AnalyticsProvides access to the site’s analytics.
SettingsWordPress settings
Loginzer SecurityConfiguring the Loginzer Security Plugin
Collapse MenuOption to hide the menu text, the icons are still visible.

1 The Administrator can edit their profile through the Users menu.

WordPress Settings #

Administrators have full access to all the regular WordPress settings. However, the Administrator will unlikely need to alter most preconfigured settings.

The following General settings MUST NOT BE CHANGED. Any changes will result in significant technical issues.

  • the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL)
  • the WordPress administrator’s email
  • the default time zone (this is set to London)

The following General settings can be changed:

  • The Tag line
  • The Icon that appears on the Browser tab and as a bookmark, as discussed here.

The following Writing settings must not be changed:

  • Post via email should not be set up for reasons of security

The following Reading settings must not be changed:

  • The Your homepage displays option sets the page used for the site’s home page and must be set to the required static page. The Home page can be changed if needed, the process is discussed here.

Discussion settings must not be changed

Media settings must not be changed

Permalinks settings must not be changed

Meta Field Block provides information on the use of the Meta Field Block. The core API allows the advanced user to display custom fields in posts etc.

Imsanity settings must not be changed

Gutenslider provides a tutorial on the Gutenslider plugin.

LiteSpeed Cache settings must not be changed

What are your feelings
Updated on 15/07/2024